Who do I contact in case of emergency?
  • Appointments are available Tuesday thru Friday during business hours for new and existing patients with dental emergencies. Please call our office at (281)852-3777 and we will work you into our schedule.
  • Established patients who are EXPERIENCING an AFTERHOURS or weekend dental emergency (trauma, swelling, infection, pus, or pain) can call our after hour’s answering service.

The office is closed. Should I call the emergency line or wait until the office is open?
  • If your child experiences severe trauma, pain, pus, or swelling, it is considered a true dental emergency.
  • Chipped teeth with no pain or sensitivity , fillings that fall out, and crowns that have come off do not require emergency treatment. Call us the next business day and we will take care of you as quickly as possible.

My child has a toothache, what should I do?
  • Clean the area thoroughly. Rinse the mouth with warm water and use dental floss to remove any food or debris. If pain still persists, contact our office. Do not place aspirin on the gums or tooth. Check the gums in the area for any bumps, pimples, or pus and contact our office immediately if any are noted. If the face is swollen, contact Dr Reddy immediately.

What should I do if my child falls and knocks out a permanent tooth?
  • The most important thing to do is to remain calm so you can find the tooth. Once you find it, do not hold the root and do not rinse it off. Hold the tooth by the crown (the part you see in the mouth) and try to re-insert it into the socket. If it does not go into the socket, do not force it, instead place it into a glass of milk and call our office immediately. Time is of  the essence for a good prognosis.